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Teaching English in a digital and creative way. Tips and tools to use in class. ONLINE-FORMAT. Teil 1

24. Oktober 2022


KPH Wien/Krems

In the focus are different approaches to use digital tools for teaching English in a multimedia way connected with the different competences like listening, writing, reading and speaking to support the students.
Part 1: Teaching all the competences with using digital resources and tools
Part 2: Reflexion, summing up and exchanging more ideas of using digital tools
All the resources and tools can be found in a moodle platform as well. There is also the opportunity to exchange.

Zielgruppe: Fachlehrer:innen der SEK I und PTS- Lehrer:innen

English, Englisch, digital media, digital tools, competences, Kompetenzen, hands on materials, resources digitale Kompetenz, Kompetenzorientierung, digitale Bildung, digitale Grundbildung, Digitalisierung, digitale Schule
[digikomp B, digikomp C, digikomp D, digikomp E, digikomp F, digikomp H, digitag blended]


24. Oktober 2022


Digitale Lehre


KPH Wien/Krems

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